Blue Barrel Cactus: Everything To Know

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The blue barrel cactus is a unique type of cactus that is found in the southwestern United States. This cactus gets its name from the blue color of its stem and ribs. It is a slow-growing cactus that can reach a height of 3 to 4 feet, and it has a wide, round shape.

The blue barrel cactus grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. Learn more about this interesting plant in the following article!

Blue Barrel Cactus: Description

The blue barrel cactus is a deep blue, globular shape, funnel-shaped round cactus that can grow up to six feet tall and four feet wide. It has large, curved spines that are up to two inches long, and its flowers are yellow or white. The blue barrel cactus is found growing in the deserts of Arizona, California, and Mexico, and it’s often used as an ornamental plant in these regions.

Its new roots grow in late summer with thick spines

It prefers well-drained soil, and it is drought-tolerant. The blue barrel cactus is a popular choice for xeriscaping (landscaping with drought-tolerant plants) because of its low water needs and deep roots with spines.

Cylindrical Bluish Green Cactus & Glaucescens Blue Barrel Cactus

Ferocactus glaucescens blue barrel cactus is a small globus with cylindrical to bluish-green ribs. The areole-spreading spine is long and yellow with a pale yellow spine. Lemon-yellow blossoms with funnel shapes. The 5 cm wide flowers are produced between spring and summer.

This is an extremely durable ring that is hidden beneath the plant. Those fruits follow white fruits, with flowers remaining on their surface. Typically isolated, the cylindrical cactus can sometimes be branched by basal branching to create an attractive mound. This impressive plant has a stunning effect on landscape texture, color, and shape.

Benefits Of Growing Blue Barrel Cactus

The blue barrel cactus (Ferocactus glaucescens) is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant cactus that is native to the desert regions of Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is an excellent choice for xeriscaping, or dry landscaping, and can grow to be up to four feet tall.

The blue barrel cactus gets its name from its distinctive blue-gray coloration. The coloration is caused by a waxy coating that helps the plant to reflect heat and reduce water loss. In addition to being heat and drought-tolerant, the blue barrel cactus is also resistant to pests and diseases.

How To Grow The Blue Barrel Cactus?

Blue barrel cacti are slow growers, but with proper care, they can reach up to four feet in height. They prefer full sun but will tolerate partial shade, and they need potting soil.

Water your cactus deeply, then allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again so that the plant matures, and roots begin to grow in early spring

These cacti are not drought-tolerant and will need regular watering during the growing season. Blue barrel cacti are generally trouble-free, but they can occasionally be affected by mealybugs or scale. If you see any pests on your plant, wipe them off with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap to remove them.


The blue barrel cactus is a popular plant that is known for its low-maintenance requirements. grow, it is important to provide the plant with full sun and well-draining soil.

The blue barrel cacti can be propagated from seeds or cuttings, and it’s typically fast growers, especially in late spring. Once the plant reaches maturity, it will produce beautiful flowers that range in color from white to pink. While the blue barrel cactus is relatively easy to grow, it’s important to be aware of its potential dangers.

How To Care For Blue Barrel Cacti?

The plant contains sharp yellow spines that can cause injury, and its sap can be irritating to the skin. Consequently, handle the plant with care and keep it out of reach of children and pets and use gardening gloves.

Watering Blue Barrel Cactus

The blue barrel cactus is a beautiful and unique plant that can add some flair to any home or garden. With just a little bit of care, this striking plant can thrive indoors or out.

How To Water Blue Barrel Cacti?

One of the most important things to remember when watering a blue barrel cactus is to let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes made with this plant, so be sure to err on the side of caution. Allow the top inch or so of soil to become dry before giving your cactus a good soaking.

In its natural habitat, the blue barrel cactus receives very little rainfall, so it is not used to being constantly wet.

Planting Blue Barrel Cacti

It’s important to choose a sunny spot for planting. The cactus will need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Once you’ve selected the perfect spot, it’s time to prepare the soil.

If you’re planting multiple cacti, ensure to leave enough space between them so that they have multiple heads, and a central spine and grow in their pots. Although they’re slow growers, blue barrel cacti can eventually reach up to three feet in diameter.

How To Take Care Of A Blue Barrel Cactus?

The blue barrel cactus is a beautiful and unique plant that can add some flair to any home or garden. With just a little bit of care, this striking plant can thrive indoors or out.

When it comes to taking care of blue barrel cacti, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to plant your cactus in a sunny spot. It will need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Next, prepare the soil in multiple pots by mixing some sand or gravel to improve drainage. Blue barrel cacti are native to desert regions and are used to sandy, well-drained soil.

Finally, be sure to water your cactus deeply, then allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. These cacti are not drought-tolerant and will need regular watering during the growing season.

With just a little bit of care, your blue barrel cactus will be thriving and flowering, and you might win a prestigious award for it!

Are Barrel Cacti Poisonous?

Blue barrel cacti are not poisonous, but it does contain sharp spines that can cause injury. Consequently, handle these plants with care and keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Are Barrel Cacti Rare?

The Royal Horticultural Society does not regard the blue barrel cactus is not a rare plant, but it is relatively uncommon. This plant has only been in cultivation for a few decades and is not widely available in garden centers or nurseries.


The blue barrel cactus is a beautiful species of cacti that can add some flair to any home or garden and goes well with rock gardens. With just a little bit of care, this striking plant can thrive indoors or out.

Jennifer Adams

Jennifer Adams

Barrel Cactuses (or Cacti) are lovely and can create a colorful delicate (though spiky) addition to any garden or even window pane.
Having my own cactus garden of a few dozens, I'll share what I learned about them here.
Hope you enjoy!

About Me

Jennifer Adams

Jennifer Adams

Barrel Cactuses (or Cacti) are lovely and can create a colorful delicate (though spiky) addition to any garden or even window pane.
Having my own cactus garden of a few dozens, I'll share what I learned about them here.
Hope you enjoy!

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